More Good #ReidBill Buzz Beyond Poker

Forward to your anti-poker friends

If this was the message that got out around the Beltway and beyond, you\’d think we coulda had the UIGEA Redux done years ago … and would already be gearing up for the relaunch of an American-friendly Sunday Millions in the coming new year. Of course that woulda required legislation that woulda had some 14 interested parties agreeing, \”yeah, I can live with that\”.

Check it out … read the whole story, but yesterday\’s hedline in Slate magazine pretty much says it all, no?

Don\’t Hate the Player—or the Game
Sure, Harry Reid\’s push to legalize online poker is a favor to the casinos that helped get him re-elected. But it\’s also good policy.

Still learning how the politics game works along with the rest of the poker world here … but maybe \”good policy\” is a red flag to lawmakers who prefer passing stuff that isn\’t?