
Kasparov: Computer Poker > Computer Chess

\”A game whose complexities can be detailed on a single piece of paper\”?

Legendary chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov is in the New York Review of Books saying (via the NY Times ideasblog) it\’s time for computer programmers who make chess-related AI to learn a thing or two from the people (bots?) playing programmable

Kasparov: Computer Poker > Computer Chess

\”A game whose complexities can be detailed on a single piece of paper\”?

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Paul Legget Speaks (at Length) about Tokwiro, AP, UB, Kahnawake, Joe Norton

And Annie Duke Says: \”I don\’t think there\’s anywhere safer to play.\”

It\’s not quite 60 Minutes … in fact, it\’s closer to 73 minutes. Absolute Poker/Ultimate Bet honcho Paul Leggett speaks with the CBC\’s (Canadian Broadcast Company) Susan Reisler for an extremely detailed and stoic Q&A. I can tell you I\’m

Paul Legget Speaks (at Length) about Tokwiro, AP, UB, Kahnawake, Joe Norton

And Annie Duke Says: \”I don\’t think there\’s anywhere safer to play.\”

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Programmer reveals his secrets …

Rise of the (Real) Poker Bots

Artificial opponents emerge from Dallas underground, collude online

A declared working poker bot operation in Dallas, TX, and on PokerStars. A fascinating (if not challenging) story that you can only presume would be of great interest to anyone in the online poker-room security biz, or anyone who wants

Programmer reveals his secrets …

Rise of the (Real) Poker Bots

Artificial opponents emerge from Dallas underground, collude online

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