Full Tilt Bullsh-t !
Full Tilt Poker finds some cash to pay their obligations! Unfortunately, their players were not included! Also, online gambling news from Greece, California, and Fair Play USA. According to Poker Listings (www.pokerlistings.com : Full Tilt Poker has paid the Alderney Gambling Control Commission its outstanding licensing fees, revealed in its recent hearing to be £250000. a statement published on the AGCC\’s website under a red "Full Tilt Update Click Here" button and titled simply "Full Tilt Poker," the AGCC said: "As a result of the AGCC\’s investigations the decision was taken on 29 June 2011 to suspend the licences of the companies collectively trading as FTP. "The AGCC has also imposed a condition that requires the licensees comprising FTP to arrange for the ring-fencing of identified players\’ funds under their control. "On the 26 July 2011, the AGCC held a public hearing to consider allegations arising from the investigation. "At the hearing the Commissioners of the AGCC, acting as a tribunal, decided to adjourn the hearing to a date no later than 15 September, as they felt that this was in the best interest of the players using FTP\’s services. "The recent payment of overdue licence fees by FTP is also in players\’ best interests since it allows commercial negotiations to take place that might result in a successful refinancing deal. "Further details regarding the exact date and venue of the next hearing will be announced as soon as possible." The payment of the <b>…</b>
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