So the WSOG has been a really cool event … it grew this year from 60 players to 80 players, probably only 30 of whom were poker players. I hope it continues to grow to the point that poker has only a minor connection to it … because when they can get the Charles Barkleys and Michael Jordans competing in it, then I gotta think it would be a huge TVmajig. (Currently it will be airing on CBS as a time-buy, paid for primarily by Full Tilt.)
What I find most fascinating are the comments it has gotten — comments not by staunchly pro- or anti-poker people … but by run-o-the-mill Americans who have a slight interest in reading a not-so-prominent article about a quirky variant of golf. They give a lot of insight into the challenges that poker faces in the future (on TV and otherwise):
fredlander wrote: 3d 6h ago
These two non sports go hand in hand. I would call this a perfect combination for fat, out of shape people who can\’t play a real sport. Throw in race car driving which is great entertainment for brain dead people and you have the perfect trifecta for all the millions of fat, out of shape americans. Bon appetite!
Indeedy. And the success of Nascar and Jeffrey Pollack\’s connection to it give hope. I actually thought bass fishing was going to take off on TV once they introduced the \”hook cams\” … but apparently it hasn\’t yet.
Dave S Texas wrote: 3d 7h ago
Golf and gambling go back to the days when the game was invented. Why network television intends to glorify this bogus \’golf\’ event is beyond my comprehension. I recorded the event last year. After watching about 15 min of it, I deleted it. Bad amatuers playing bad golf. Pathetic.
Hmm … we\’ll have to talk later about their plans for next year to include some non-amateur action.
BobLee wrote: 4d 1h ago
Congress should appoint a Senate Sub-Committee to study \”poker\”. Appoint Henry Waxman to head this one too ….. he frightens children.
You tell\’em, Bob. Actually, there\’s a bill kinda like that pending.
disgustedpatriot wrote: 4d 1h ago
Poker is not a sport!! It is a vice! Why poker is now on the sporting pages and on ESPN and other networks is beyond me. What is next? Binge drinking contests? Or how about reality prostitution shows? Whoops….forgot, that is already on MTV!!
Yeow, how did they know? Apparently the World Series of Beer Pong is a little ahead of its time. Interestingly enough, Doyle Brunson competed in the WSOG last year but not this year. Yet he did find time to compete in the WSOBP — seen here after pounding (literally) multiple beers.
And who says that doesn\’t make for good television drama when in the inaugural event saw Todd Brunson beat his dad.