Everybody and their dogma seems to be jumping on the Twitter bandwagon these days. Whether texting your whereabouts will prove to be fad or societal fabric a few years from now remains to be seen. In the meantime …
Doyle Brunson\’s loving it as a way to share what\’s going on in Bobby\’s Room.
Annie Duke will let you eavesdrop on semi-private convos with her boyfriend and her catfight with Joan Rivers.
And now Jeffrey Pollack says Twitter is the way he\’ll remain accessible to the people during his ever-hectic WSOP.
UPDATE: Interesting … Pollack is with Joan Rivers today in BH (Beverly Hills) … funny coincidence or evil WSOP ratings plot being hatched?
Right now you can follow the final table of the WPT Championship via Twitter, and the activities of their lead reporter, BJ, for a little unintentional real-life behind-the-scenes.
UPDATE: Bertrand \’Elky\’ Grospellier just locked up WPT Player of the Year.
Pauly\’s a little bummed I think … because last year Twitter was his semi-secret cybernook where he could relay the real WSOP dirty for his loyalist, most technologically advanced fans … but now this space is anything but \”under the radar\”.
UPDATE: @Pauly openfaced jerkchicken sandwich w/ jack cheese & dijonaise mustard …
Pokerati\’s on the Twitter train now, too. Still trying to figure it all out — but so far definitely not \”good for my poker\”.
Feel free to add any peeps in the comments that you think we might-should pay attention to; and/or weigh in on whether or not you think this internet-texting convergence thing is \”good for poker\” will stick around.