National Poker Challenge-D
\”Alternative\” Card Club Shut Down in Arkansas

We told you a while back about the National Poker Challenge opening up in Little Rock … on the self-declared, \”hey, we are legal!\” concept. Authorities (DA included) didn\’t agree, and a couple of days ago Little Rock Police went in Prohibition-raid-style (like they said they would) and shut the business down. Bummer … but we kinda saw it coming, no?

[link props: ppa blog]

The NPC peeps arrested still contend their rake-free model — players payed $100/month to be \”tracked\” — is legal, and plan to fight it in court (just like they said they would).

Could this be the battle some sicko, poli-minded action junkies have been jonesing waiting for — a fight that forces at least one state to deal with outdated laws being applied to a game they didn\’t really conceive of way-back-when? If so, this bust seems to be part of the plan. The NPC has/had clubs in Little Rock, Portland, and Memphis, where the company is headquartered. When it comes to poker penalties and the statutes behind them, the game in Arkansas might be softer than just about anywhere else.