You’ve Gotta Fight … For Your Right … to Party (Poker)

Call your Senators … even now, even though it\’s late. Bill Frist is apparently trying to slip through the online gaming ban tonight, as we speak.

I\’d also like to take this chance to remind you all that no matter what happens, we\’re going to be OK. Ours is a perfect system of democracy, with checks and balances in play. Take for example the Wright Amendment. It looks like it will be repealed (or at least semi-repealed) tonight as well. Only took 27 years to get that problematic law off the books.

UPDATE: They are debating the relevant bill right now. Page 213 is where the gambling stuff can be found. The reperesentative from Nevada got up to call bullshit on Sen. Bill Frist for his move lumping it in with a port security bill, but said the bill itself is important enough that she can\’t vote against it. Not looking good for poker.

UPDATE: Anti-poker forces successfully slipped 30 pages of language into a port-security bill that makes playing online punishable by up to five years in prison.

This is pretty bad news, but before you start assassinating people, remember … it\’s been the courts that have for the most part been instrumental in legalizing poker anywhere from the get-go, not legislatures.