Re: Cute Young Tail

Michele in Houston sends a link to some more wayward-hottie jimjabber on 2+2 … about Brandi Hawbaker\’s latest sessions at Bellagio and the high-drama life story she\’s laying out for all to know. Can\’t decide if it\’s mean-spirited gossip or just observational reporting. This is all kinda sad, right? Or maybe it\’s just gloriously salty real-life poker in an uncontrollably public day and age? Juicy.

I have to admit, I kinda avoided weighing in on the story of Brandi\’s run-in with an ill-placed pokery penis … in part because I questioned its relevance, and because I would never want to disrespect women preferred to remember her as the cute boppity tournament-trail newcomer with a big innocent smile, extra-healthy chip stacks, and a crazy little sticker on her boobie. But now with Sklansky, and maybe even Amarillo Slim, we have the makings of a trend … or at least a reality-show pilot.