If you happen to be online this lovely Saturday early eve/right now, you may want to tune in to Naughty Poker Angels, live right now on Hold\’em Radio. Sharron and Angie will be interviewing Scotty Nguyen. If any of you happen to know two of the three principals involved, you\’ll know what sorta good naughty trouble they are sure to get into.
NOTE: Scotty Nguyen has a new website. Click the lovely flash intro (nyuk nyuk!) and you\’ll see he has trademarked his signature. So if you had any designs on stealing it … now you can\’t. Damn. Or perhaps I should say Danm.
EXTRA PROPS: I gotta say, I love the NPA\’s interviews with pros. Not sure if it\’s Sharron\’s British accent or Angie\’s casual drinky belligerence, but they seem to put these guys at ease — giving them the sense that they are getting to interact not with poker-know-it-alls, but true fans. With that, by the end, they get the pros to reveal their true selves in ways that the rest of us could not. Citizen Pseudojournalism at its finest.
For example, did you know that Scotty sometimes wears a red g-string? Not surprising, I suppose, but knowing so makes any appearance by him at a final table all the more entertaining. We also got to hear his wife hop on the phone, where she tells a funny tale about how when Scotty was initially chasing her skirt, she thought he was Johnny Chan. In the end … adorable couple … think American Poker Gothic.