From a British gambling-info website:
Seven individuals and four companies are the latest to have been charged by the US Department of Justice for conspiring to violate the USA’s ban on internet gambling in a $150 million credit card scam.
CurrenC Ltd, a payment processing firm based in the British Virgin Islands, BetUS, a Canadian-registered sports betting site, Gateway Technologies and Hill Financial Services, both from Utah, are the companies accused on charges of racketeering conspiracy, bank fraud, violations of the wire-wager act and money laundering.
If found guilty, those accused could face up to 30 years in jail.
Meanwhile, I have found it easier than ever to deposit money on Full Tilt, with my Chase-Visa debit card … and am really torn on whether or not I should be pimping the various online sites I may or may not still play on with a Pokerati affiliate code. Either I am totally missing the boat of getting a little sumpin\’-sumpin\’ from Pokerati readers\’ rakes, or I am making sure we\’ll still be afloat when the online poker shakedown fully shakes out.
ALT HED: Coin-flip Situation?