
LAS VEGAS–Everybody seems to love those Pokerati jerseys — being modeled by Tom at final tables might help. We think they\’re pretty cool, and indeed, as you can see/touch … our good friends at Sadler & Carter do some fine poker embroidery. Not sure if you can get your own — I bet you can if you ask nicely — but I just heard about a pretty funny encounter between Tom Sexton (brother of Mike) and Change100.

Tom Sexton (who sounds just like Mike): \”Did you see that shirt Tom Schneider\’s got in? It says Pokerati on the front, and Donkey Bomber on the back

OK, so I can\’t seem to recast the quote I heard third-hand well enough to pretend I wouldn\’t be putting words in his mouth. But basically, in a nutshell, Tom Se. was totally baffled by Tom Sc. wearing the mighty 7-2.

\”That just doesn\’t make sense,[Vince,]\” Sexton said shaking his head. \”Seven-deuce?\”

Change supposedly tried to explain its power, but he just didn\’t get it.

\”But that\’s the worst hand in poker!\”