Nice Friendly North Texas Poker Update

LAS VEGAS–Josh Evans appears to have lost a chunk of his stack … now sitting below average with 1 million chips, but not yet frighteningly so.

And don\’t fret if there\’s a lack of updates on him … suggests little drama over at his table; that he\’s just waiting for the right opportunities.

(Homer much?)

To really get a grasp of Josh\’s situation, Change100 spells it out in a way that should make sense to all those serious semi-amateurs interested in seeing him do well.

The Cost Per Round

In Dan Harrington\’s book \”Harrington on Hold\’em\” he introduces readers to the concept of \”M,\” which is just a fancy way of referring to what it costs a player in blinds and antes to play one orbit in a tournament.

At the current blind level, 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante, it costs players 63,000 just to play one round. With the current average stack of 1,428,700, the average chip stack\’s \”M\” is 22.67 (meaning, they could fold every hand for 22 2/3 orbits before going broke). According to Harrington, an \”M\” of 5 is considered a short stack while an \”M\” of 30 or more is a very comfortable stack to play with.

Speaks well of the new WSOP blind structure, too, no?

UPDATE: [4:20 pm pdt] Josh is hanging on with 600,000 chips. With 83 players left, he\’s three spots away from the six-figure payouts.