Richard Lee’s (Alleged) Client List Released

We all know Richard Lee settled his case — pleading no contest and forfeiting more than $2 million dollars to make it all mostly go away. That seems to be the way it goes with enforcing the Class A misdemeanor of \”operating a gambling place\” … \”like seriously, don\’t make us try to send you to jail, just give us all your money and everything will be fine.\”

Earlier this month, with approval from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, Bexar County officials released the names of Lee\’s alleged punters. Some 3,200 of them — the juiciest ones, presumably, redacted … complete with cell phone numbers, you know, so other bookies can find these customers in need. I definitely maybe know one dude from Dallas on there. I think he plays poker. He lives kinda near where there used to be a poker room. Sounds vaguely and theoretically familiar.

From KSAT:

According to [Bexar County District Attorney Susan] Reed, though, the list does not mean her office will pursue charges against those on the list.

\”Being the number of names on here, being a Class C misdemeanor the cost of that would be incredible,\” she said. \”(It\’s) not something I’m interested in spending a huge amount of taxpayer money on.\”