Shame on me. On August 5, I was wishing the best to my good friends at PartyPoker, who turned 7 years old last week. But I forgot about Pauly — a presumably better friend and fellow blogger and my personal podcast partner and guy whom I speak with regularly and read sometimes as much — whose poker blog, Tao of Poker, celebrated its 5th birthday on that very same day.
(Yeow Yao, sorry dude, I\’m not too good with birthdays unless MySpace reminders are involved.) But yo, happy B-day, man … and thanks for all the weed inspiration, ass-kickings, and entertainment you\’ve provided all these years.
While I don\’t think any of the poker-blogging \”old dogs\” ever thought when they started that they\’d still be around after five — we gotta still be in single digits for the electronic scribes in this niche who have reached that milestone — I\’m sure now his fear is that he will still be around when Tao turns 15.