There\’s an interesting little mini tourney taking shape right in front of the press box … it\’s the $2,250 HORSE Mega-satellite (for tomorrow\’s big $50k event).
It doesn\’t look too different from many satellites or second-chance tourneys that get started in the eve, except there are a few more chips in play, and a lot more recognizable players.
27 entrants so far … cards are already in the air … 28. Alan Kessler showed up early. He\’s wearing a Doyle\’s Room patch. Mike Mizrachi is trying to get Bill Chen in a lasts-longest … there\’s Michael Binger (wearing UB, No-Limit Management, and Deep Stacks University … a few other players that I kinda-sorta recognize, but not really. One guy hovering around who I can assume is a backer, but not sure who he\’s behind …
29 entrants. Low-key, relaxed, but serious. Will find out if this is their only stab.