Gotta love Benjo and Pauly for keeping me (and therefore you) updated not just on results … but more so with what\’s really happening on the Amazon floor as the first of three televised events — the $50k Players Championship — gets down to the final table.
Episode 8: 50k Agent Mix
[audio:tao/TOP_W10_08_50KAgents.mp3]Pauly and TOP\’s ready stand-in Benjo describe events on the rail in the closing moments of the final table bubble for the 50K Players Championship. They also spy on a potential endorsement deal being negotiated in the far corner of the Amazon Ballroom
Here, btw, are the final table players in the $50k (8-Game) Mix, from PokerNews:
Seat 1: David \”Bakes\” Baker – 3,095,000
Seat 2: Mikael Thuritz – 2,300,000
Seat 3: Vladimir Schmelev – 1,925,000
Seat 4: John Juanda – 2,620,000
Seat 5: Daniel Alaei – 1,705,000
Seat 6: Michael Mizrachi – 2,620,000
Seat 7: David Oppenheim – 460,000
Seat 8: Robert Mizrachi – 3,125,000
Damn, while the Mizrachi Bros. make for a great story that has to be driving @AsianSpa nuts, Juanda, Alaei, and a Russian fill out the challengers nicely … along with Oppenheim with some Cinderella short-stack potential. But the real shoutouts go to rising online powerhouse David Baker, the chip leader second in chips, just barely behind a Mizrachi.
He happens to be shtooping a pretty sexy Brazilian … our ole media pal-turned-international-PokerStars-Pro Maridu Mayrinck, whom like we said is probably Brazilian. She sent me a dm about six hours into Day 1 asking Pokerati to show her \”bf some love!\”, because @DMBakes was \”in it to win it!\” and had 180k in chips Wooo! … Considering the starting stack was 150k, I sent my standard @Pokerati reply:
lol, and? Lets see what stack is like on Day 4, then maybe we can talk. try @taopauly he sometimes follows early.
To which all I can say is cool, nice response. So here ya go … now I know what David Baker looks like, too: