Male Players Sour Venetian Ladies Event

Don\’t quite know the details, but it happened again. Apparently two men entered yesterday\’s ladies event at the Venetian Deep Stack series. And at least one of them went relatively deep.

Here\’s what I was able to glean from Facebook:

Annie LePage Bleeeehhhh… A freakin guy who crashed the ladies event and was totally rude to all of us at the table had to be the one busting me. I am sooo Mad!

Stacey Nutini yea well i was pretty pissed too busting in 16th and there was still one guy in…..i think they\’re complete frickin morons to participate. and when you ask them why, their reason is always the biggest bullshit you\’ve ever heard in your life.

The day before the Venetian ladies event, the Las Vegas Sun ran a story (with awesome art, btw) about the men who played in the WSOP ladies event. They\’ve got a poll asking whether or not men should be allowed to play. Currently 40 percent say yes, and 59 percent say no.

OK, so it\’s settled: the no\’s have it … we can move on now, right? No?

Anyone got an over/under on how long before ladies events are eradicated completely? Because I sure can\’t see — based on the above split alone — why this trend would eventually subside … not until the minority gets their way.