Load Up Your Poker iPod, Part 1

Instapoker – Video

It\’s a long weekend for most. For those who might need to take their poker multimedia on the road or boat … here\’s some watchable and/or downloadable stuff that I\’ve taken particular note of recently. You might want to, too:

Online Gambling Guy

APCW Perspectives Weekly :: Actually caught a brand new episode getting the link for this post. Thought I was gonna tip you to J. Todd\’s more-than-just-poker online gambling take on payment-processor forfeitures, internet filtering, and French protectionism. But that was like so mid-August. To catch up with the times, this week it\’s California protectionism FTW! for the stalemate. [Link]

Charlie Rose + Wicked Chops

This Week in Poker :: TWIP is (slowly) becoming must-watch for me. Not live … that would just be ridiculous. But definitely informative+enjoyable on the download, even if you\’re just half-watching and listening in the background. This week\’s ep features Full Tilt red pro (?) Jason Calcanis, Donkdown\’s UB-Scrutinizer-in-Chief Todd Witteles, and Durrrr. Holy shit, it\’s Durrrr!!!! Fast forward … [Link]

Poker Personalities

Under the Gun (with Jon Friedberg) :: First time I saw UTG, some guys were talking fitness and nutrition. Struck me as terrible net-TV odd, yet found it strangely compelling, watched all the way through. A few weeks later was watching a sit-down with Jean-Robert Bellande. I think UTG\’s format seems to lend itself to guests who can let down their guard and shoot more from the hip. This week: Alex Outhred, recently relocated to Vegas, shit-shooting about coaching and the cutthroat poker training biz. [Link]

Artsy Euro-Fartsy

TheNutz.TV :: Have seen these dudes before, and remember thinking they were pretty good. Here they are at WPT-London interviewing Lisa Jane, the poker-artist you learned about here. Had to watch to learn more about her show, \”Poker in the Eye\”, and see if she\’s hot. Now all I gotta do is get me one of them \”like\” buttons. [Link]