Words With Poker Tweeps

Three-tabling Negreanu, KevMath, SpartanFox

@Kevmath laid down the gauntlet on Twitter this evening on the ever-popular \”Words With Friends\” app. Soon @RealKidPoker and @Mark_Gahagan were in on the action, offering up their WWF user names publicly on twitfeed. Now I\’m three-tabling them all headups.

Negreanu just countered back after I triple-word scored on \”SIZED\”. Seems he\’s playing from his new iPad from NAPT at the Bike.

@RealKidPoker: \”34,575 end lvl 4. Nice little comeback reminiscent of my start in EPT Vienna. A bit tired, and playing words with friends to pass time.\”

Gahagan may have just pulled ahead with his 57-pointer \”VIEW\” off my \”QUIDS\”, but I\’m not drawing dead yet. As for Kevmath, I\’m on the warpath after he used a questionable \”ER\” to position off a triple word score.

If HR2267 had already passed, I\’d be looking to lay some cash on this tonight.