A Scot named Gingertoys with a new site called OneOuter.com interviewed Barry Greenstein, who discussed Phil Ivey … providing a bit closer glimpse at the angst and anger surrounding Ivey\’s decision to file a $150 million lawsuit against Full Tilt and skip out on the 2011 WSOP.
The stuff we hadn\’t heard before begins about 50:40.
After declaring that he \”helped [Ivey] probably more than anyone\” as he was coming up, Greenstein addresses his closeness to the situation and how much has yet to be told: \”I\’ve got friends on both sides at the moment … There\’s more stuff behind the scenes that isn\’t coming to light.\”
In the interview, Barry talks of a phone call where Ivey — generally emotionless on TV and in public — is screaming for nearly 5 minutes. \”I couldn\’t get a word in edgewise.\”
He also reveals the key to Ivey\’s game being his \”adapting to what his opponents are doing, and in real time figuring out a way to beat it.\” I think Greenstein\’s talking about poker here, but it could probably just as well apply to any off-table actions where millions of Ivey dollars are at stake.
He also says Ivey\’s decision to skip the 2011 WSOP was independent of the lawsuit … that not only does Ivey want to be breaking records, but also he has several million dollars worth of bracelet bets he\’s potentially surrendering.