Have a listen to the premiere episode of Pokerati \”all up in\” @G2EVegas. Still workshopping the title … but come along for the ride as I find a sucker friend and colleague to fill me in on what\’s been going on at the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas.
In this first episode, Mike, aka Lavigne in Austin aka @AustinML, discusses a session titled:
It featured Frank Fahrenkopf from the AGA, Caesars\’ DC powerhouse Jan Jones (the former mayor of Las Vegas is recipient of this year\’s lifetime achievement award), a lobbyist for companies looking to do business with licensed casinos, and a guy representing Native American interests. Here why they all seem convinced that intrastate online poker is going nowhere, but interstate online poker is right around the corner.
Some of you probably remember Mike Lavigne. He\’s not much of a player (lol), but the former Texas state director of the PPA and fellow co-founder of the Texas Poker PAC, has been part of Pokerati since way-back. And with my government and public relations cronie in town for G2E … well, it made me think we needed a cheap knock-off of Tao of Pokerati, obv — not just to keep me posted, but to let the busy people out there doing real work get a taste of the wonk-fest and sales orgy going on at the Sands Convention Center this week.
G2E is arguably the biggest annual confab of gaming industry brainpower in the world … and though some may find it hard to get interested in a Las Vegas convention that doesn\’t even include a poker tournament … what goes on here will be affecting your poker (and overall casino) experience in the future whether you like it or not.