UPDATE: Peter Dicks is being held for extradition to Lousiana, where he will be tried on felony charges.
LONDON–I\’m here at the PartyPoker offices today, and the traveling execs are a little freaked again. The chairman of Sportingbet apparently got arrested in Dallas. Literally, there are people at this company canceling trips that would\’ve taken them through DFW.
Don\’t know much else right now … but we\’ll keep you posted.
UPDATE: OK, it\’s not yet clear that he was arrested in Dallas or even Texas … but that is indeed the buzz going around the shop here in the UK. Apparently Texas is fast gaining a reputation as the anti-gambling capitol of the world.
Peter Dicks, age 64, is the arrested individual.
Here is a story from the British Channel 4.
UPDATE: From Dan Weeks, reporter for Bloomberg:
hi, dicks was detained at kennedy airport and is being held by the ny port authority.
Thanks, Dan, for the additional info. (Hedline has been updated accordingly.)
\”Oh no, that\’s even scarier,\” says one Party guy a few desks away.