Bluff Catching
Often in poker you come across situations where although you think you may have the best hand, you want to try and check and make your opponent bluff. These situations often occur when you have a medium strength hand that […]
Often in poker you come across situations where although you think you may have the best hand, you want to try and check and make your opponent bluff. These situations often occur when you have a medium strength hand that […]
The high hand is usually seen as the weaker of the possible hands in hi/lo split games – simply because it cannot win the low as well, where as low hands can frequently develop into high hands which can win
Hi/Lo Split Games – Don’t Forget the High Read More »
One of the things you will quickly notice about good players in any variation of poker is how they change their game depending on how many people are in the hand. That great aggressive no limit hold\’em player who seems
Firing Into Multiple Players Read More »
With the ever expanding popularity of heads up games, many of the best spots to play in are now one on one games. Weak players seem to be attracted to these games because the variance is extremely high, which means
Knowing When To Quit Read More »
When I first started playing poker it was predominantly in a medium sized club run by a local bookmaker. The crowd all knew each other pretty well, and there was a decent mix of recreational gamblers, solid amateurs and a
Poker and Greed – A Little Anecdote Read More »
Small ball and long ball poker fundamentally rely on the analysis and knowledge of different types of odds in poker. Long ball simply relies on the odds of the hands of poker. Long ball simply relies on the odds of
Small Ball – A Deeper Analysis Read More »
You gotta have two things to succeed kid – you gotta have brains and you gotta have balls. Now you got too much of one and not enough of the other\’ – Paul Newman to Tom Cruise in The Color
This is quite a complex principle to understand to most players, as it seems to go against the intuitive logic of how poker works. I have the best hand, surely getting my money in the pot in any way is
Playing Bad with the Best Hand Read More »
Weak aces tend to be the hand that you see bad players get in the most trouble with at the table. This is because weak aces are usually very far behind most good hands in hold\’em, and weak players seem
The Problem With Weak Aces in Poker Read More »
Frequently in tournament poker you will encounter players who are re-raising your opens at an inappropriate frequency. At the lower stakes they tend to re-raise too little, either trying to fold to cash or just call and play passive pots