Kentucky Moves to Block Poker Domains

The governor wants to erect a massive force field around the entire state to protect its citizens (and visitors) from electronically accessing the evils of untaxed gambling.

And we thought Washington state was bad for making it a felony to play online poker … now, in Kentucky, Governor Steve Beshear is trying to seize control of 141 gambling-related sites, blocking access to the likes of Full Tilt, PokerStars, Bodog, et al.

Yikes, this is some pathetic/scary shit. Not because he\’s declaring sites we know and love as criminal enterprises, but because the guv wants to control its citizens\’ private web access!

Um, hello, communism? What makes it worse is that he seems to be doing it on behalf of the brick-and-mortar casino industry … dude, I know you guys are slow in Kentucky, but the idea that online play hurts as opposed to helps casinos went dead in like 2006. No details on how one would actually block the internet within state lines … I suppose you can force your cable and phone providers to behave in certain ways … but, um, out-of-town cell phones maybe? Seriously, \’Tucky-Guv-Dude, are you really that out of touch with the world/American Constitution?

[Non-topical, anti-Republican rant deleted] Stupid Democrat.