ESPN November Nine Conference Call

ESPN had a little tele-press conference about the upcoming coverage of the WSOP November Nine. ESPN\’s chief Flack George McNeilly moderated the call, and on it taking questions were Norman Chad, Lon McEachorn and Doug White, ESPN\’s Senior Director of Programming and Acquisitions.

(Jeffrey Pollack bowed out with regrets, apparently claiming \”tummy-ache\”/swine flu.)

For a little preview of what\’s in store — from the perspective of storylines, production, and a wee-bit of Darvin Moon sponsorship business …

SPOILER ALERT: More heads-up coverage, table/stage a bit closer to the crowd, welcome to the show ESPN Inside Deal, and play along online at Go Phil Ivey or Darvin Moon, and really any of the other guys, too! Akenhead is kinda a funny last name. Presented by Jack\’s Links Beef Jerky, yum. Let\’s dance.