Nevada has not just one, but three bills related to \”interactive gaming\” that now have been referred for hearing in the state Senate Judiciary committee. There are two bills related to internet gaming in Nevada being heard today 8AM PST in Senate Judiciary in Carson City labeled SB103/SB218. They are not specific to poker.
1) SB103 allows for Nevada Gaming Commission to establish licensing requirements/fees for “interactive gaming service providers” to act on behalf of licenses Nevada \”establishments.\”
2) SB218 authorizes the Nevada Gaming Control Board to setup and regulation of “hosting centers” as well as the authorization of “service providers” as amendments to NRS 463.750, with the assistance and advisement of the Nevada Gaming Commission
SB103 text at-> SB103 bill contents
SB218 text at-> SB218 bill contents
These two Nevada bills are *different bills* than the one read in the Assembly yesterday. That bill was named AB258 that is specific to iPoker, allows for potential interstate gambling, and opened to doors for prior bad-actors-of-sorts. This bill was referred, but not scheduled for hearing in the Senate Judiciary.
AB258 text at-> AB258 bill contents
Press links for AB258
Gambling Compliance article (by @CKrafcik) -> \”Nevada Rejoins Internet Poker Race\”
Las Vegas Sun article (by @RalstonFlash) -> \’As feds grapple with issue, Legislature will consider legalizing Internet gaming\”
ABC News article (by Michelle Rindels, AP, @oskargarcia contributes) ->\’Nev. Bill Would Set Regulations for Internet Poker\’
Thanks to Chris Krafcik (twitter: @CKrafcik) and Susan Rhodes (twitter: @sdrhodes) for assistance in research and analysis.
Follow me @scarlet_lv today for live-tweet of the feed from the Nevada State Legislature.