What’s it Take to Get into the Lodge TOC?

A close trusted personal pokery friend writes in:

hey dan, im finally able to get loose for the tourney at the lodge this weekend, what\’s the deal-e-o? Is this tourney open, or at least open to the point I could get in?

Batface or not, \”Ha! And no.\” I am, however, looking for a close trusted personal pokery assistant, since my usual helpers will be competing and I am not letting them anywhere near the chips.

Take a look at the final standings. You\’ll notice about 48ish players deep a green line. That\’s the qualifying line. As players above the line decline their seats for whatever reason, alternates below the line will be invited to sit in their place. So I guess, technically, CTPPF could get in as … let\’s see, with zero points total … carry the one, minus five, divide by … the ¾th alternate.

The Batfaces, fyi, are hardly feared in this game. The lone BF representatives will be Sang Yoo and Zach Ballenger. But I don\’t think either of them stands a Sunday prayer of winning. OK, maybe Zach does, you know, because of intangibles.

ALT HED: Better Luck Next Year