LAS VEGAS–It seems clear now that the Rounder Club plays better poker than the Batfaces. The Big Randy is out … he started off in a very comfortable position on a very comfortable table, didn\’t get any cards, then 45 minutes later was moved to a very aggressive table with lots of big stacks … and he still didn\’t get any cards. OK, maybe not all RCers are as good as all BFs, but the best Rounders are provably better than the best Batfaces — overlap not withxcluded. With a $40k win and far better backing deals, Como is (thus far) the TBR of 2006.
Meanwhile, none other than Manny Mendoza took down a $175 satellite at the Rio today. He was out-chipped 2:1 when it got down to heads-up, and unable to negotiate a chop, he reversed the chip differential and then chopped … he took two $500 chips, the other guy took one, and I\’m not sure what happend to the money ($120 cash) … I think they played for that and Manny won. Regardless, Manny will be competing for a bracelet in tomorrow\’s $1,000 event.
I also hear that Steve Carter was doing well in the main event. But no confirmation of that.
UPDATE: OK, am pretty sure Steve Carter is still alive and well — thanks Alicia, for the heads-up! — but how he\’s doing is another story. For now, we\’ll go with CardPlayer, which has \”James Steve Carter\” near the chip lead, with more than 210,000 chips.
According to PokerPages, there\’s also a \”Jame Cartee,\” who curiously has only 21,000 chips.