In the very likely event that some of you are running better than I currently am, I have complied Karridy\’s poker wish-list for Christmas \’06. Before you ask, \”No\”, there is no limit on the amount of gifts you can send me. For brevity, I have reduced it to my top five.
#5 – Chia Donkey
I have finally found the most over-the-top card protector of all time. Other than tacky pokerers like me, who the hell is supposed to buy this? (P.S. – Tom Schneider, Yours is in the mail.)
Price: $18.99
#4 – Dallas Poker Gear \”Underground Kings\” T-Shirt
Unlike many overnight attempts at poker apparel, Dallas Poker Gear has some truly cool designs. You won\’t find a \”Jack Off-suit\” punn on these shirts. Just super smooth gear inspired by the even smoother southern poker capital.
Price: $25.00
#3 – Microsoft Zune
I have been emailing Steve Ballmer about getting the complete Beyond The Table archive pre-installed on all the new Zunes. I haven\’t heard much back on that, but I imagine he\’s just busy with the holidays and all.
Price: $229.95
#2 – ShuffleMaster Deck Mate
According to their recently updated sales contact page, these rake plumpers are now available to the general public! …But not in my state of Texas. However, if you are playing at volume to necessitate one of these, you are most likely not concerned with such minor details.
Price: $14,795.00
#1 – WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. Buy-in
If I win, I might even consider doubling your investment. I would also consider a night with Lily Elviro-Mizrachi instead. Yes, I think it just might be worth it.
Price: …duh
Merry Christmas!