Semi-back in Action, Baby (!)

Ahh, I\’m back. Sorry for the absence, particularly in such critical poker times. Boy, I have to admit, it was actually kinda nice to be computerless and free from the bonds of email replies, Firefox tabs, and obnoxious commentors I really missed each and every one of you.

The good news is that Pokerati has a brand new hard drive — where things are cleaner than ever — and newfound incentive to get all sorts of electronic shit in proper order. The bad news is that we lost an entire hard drive that may or may not have been \”backed up\” at some point in 2006.

So if you were one of about 700 people awaiting an email reply from me … well, it probably ain\’t gonna happen. Sorry. Seriously. We lost all those emails — including ones from good friends looking to catch up, potential clients just itching to give us money, spammers looking to sell me a bigger penis, and born-again Christians looking to save our gambling souls. Free at last! I mean, damn, that really sucks. Another key document lost was our future-major-hunkin\’ spam database. You see, for three years, whether you knew it or not, Pokerati had been accummulating personal and electronic data on thousands of poker players — amateur schleps and major pros alike. Creepy, I know. But supposedly this information is valuable, and I\’m pretty sure it will prove difficult to recreate from memory.

Hey, that\’s poker, right? Anyhow, we are back in action … sorta. I\’m still working on reinstalling various software, which requires digging up all sorts of passwords, product keys, and encryption codes that were saved on the old hard drive and never written down. Thanks for your patience, and maddest props to Fresh Princess, Karridy, and The Big Randy for holding down the fort while I briefly considered jumping out a second-story window.