I hereby dub thee “Kid Pyrite”

The reigning WSOP Main Event Champ, Jamie \”Kid Pyrite\” Gold, is up to his tricks again, this time at the $25,000 Main Event at the Five Star World Poker Classic. Seriously, when is this guy gonna learn?

Jamie Gold\’s Breach of Etiquette
With a board showing AQ8, the player in seat 2 bets $2,000. Following a conversation about playing styles, Jamie Gold says, \”Respect\” to the player in seat 2 and exposes the A and mucks his hand. The player in seat 9 shrugs his shoulders as he has yet to act. Upon realizing his breach of etiquette, Gold apologizes numerous times. The player in seat 9 responds by re-raising $6,000. The player in seat 2 folds and Jamie Gold asks the table if he is allowed to play properly again.

I might be willing to give him a little slack, but he\’s been turning over bluffs to Tuan Le all night. My new theory: Jamie is a woman.

Okay… I can\’t say much about the name. But there are no girl Karridy\’s… That I know of.

Update Before I could even publish this, I see that Tuan Le doubled through Pyrite. Love the semi-instant kharma!