Texas Hold’em To Be Legalized Recognized in Texas!

One poker-related legislative measure that did make it out of the House and seems likely to be passed by the Senate is HCR 109 — a \”concurrent resolution\” officially recognizing Robstown, Texas (near Corpus Christi) as the birthplace of Texas Hold\’em.

Not sure what the role of these resolutions really are — but I think any that get this far pretty much pass with zero debate since they don\’t grant any sorta additional rule-making authority nor relegate funds in any way. So assuming this feel-good-for-Robstown declaration passes — along with resolutions to designate the bolo as the official state tie, and the boot as the official state shoe (scroll down to the bottom) — well … nothing changes.

At least not right now.

But I gotta think any future efforts to legalize poker in Texas stand to benefit from Abel Herrero\’s political warm-fuzzy to get some gung-ho Texas poker pride written into the books.

a successful hold\’em player relies on reason, intuition, and bravado, and these same qualities have served many notable Texans well throughout the proud history of the Lone Star State

Click below to read the whole resolution. It paints quite the interesting story — and could have a hypermajority of representatives from both parties technically saying \”Yay!\” to charity poker, online play, and $10,000 events while also acknowledging the \”game of skill\” concept.

(Has to be, right? If not, why are so many Texans so good yeee-haw!)

80R4508 JHS-D

By: Herrero H.C.R. No. 109


WHEREAS, The popularity of the poker game Texas Hold\’em has increased dramatically over the past several years, and each day untold numbers of people throughout the world play this exciting game of skill, intuition, and good old-fashioned luck; and

WHEREAS, A true phenomenon of our time, Texas Hold\’em has taken the world by storm, captivating countless card enthusiasts with its deceptively simple format; whether betting and bluffing across casino tables and kitchen tables, raising and folding in the virtual world of online card rooms, or moving \”all-in\” at charity poker tournaments, poker players everywhere have embraced this
fascinating and challenging game; and

WHEREAS, The game\’s invention dates back to the early 1900s when it is traditionally held that the first hand of the popular card game was dealt in the city of Robstown, and from there it traveled northward in the hands of \”rounders\” and up the sleeves of cardsharps who quickly recognized the game\’s potential for mass appeal; and

WHEREAS, Poker legends such as Crandell Addington and Doyle \”Texas Dolly\” Brunson helped further popularize the game in and around Texas in the 1950s, and they and others eventually brought Texas Hold\’em to Las Vegas, where it was first played at the Golden Nugget Casino in 1967; three years later, the inaugural World Series of Poker was played at the Horseshoe Casino, featuring no-limit Texas Hold\’em to determine the world champion, and that annual tournament has continued to grow in both size and stature with each passing year; and

WHEREAS, The popularity of hold\’em has no doubt been spurred by the advent of online gaming and by the broadcast of televised poker tournaments, most notably the World Series of Poker\’s \”Main Event,\” a $10,000 no-limit Texas Hold\’em tournament that attracts top poker professionals, talented amateurs, celebrities, and poker wannabes from around the globe hoping to become the next world champion of poker; and

WHEREAS, It is said that Texas Hold\’em takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master, and this telling statement underscores the high level of skill necessary to win consistently; a successful hold\’em player relies on reason, intuition, and bravado, and these same qualities have served many notable Texans well throughout the proud history of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby formally recognize Robstown, Texas, as the birthplace of the poker game Texas Hold\’em.