RE: Tom TV

LAS VEGAS–Though this arrangement was in the works before he won yesterday, Tom Schneider will be providing the color commentary on today\’s live broadcast of the $1,500 Limit Hold\’em final table on the official WSOP website. Wow, what a trooper … all work all the time.

For some reason I can\’t get the video — or any video on for that matter — to work. Is it my computer/internet/me, or them? Interestingly enough, refresh a few times and you\’ll see a slickster ad for the good folks at RawVegas. Their videos always work — perhaps they can show the WSOP\’s internet people how to do it.

If you can get these vids to show, I bet it\’s good … but can\’t really know.

Since we\’re asking readers for their web advice, I\’m thinking of losing the datelines (the all caps city designations for field reports). Whaddya think — you like\’em, or not so much?