Beyond The Prop (Part 2)

Somewhere in the closet of Sit-n-Go Steve\’s McMansion leans a once popular sandwich board that spoke more painful truths than Dan\’s rhinestone sunglasses. Those of you who watched Steve stand on the corner of my town\’s most congested thoroughfare might wonder why in the world would somebody play for absolutely nothing just to risk sweating their ass off in the Texas heat, proclaiming their oppenent a \”Poker Genius\” in 500 point font. Well, it seems that SnG is not the only masochist in the Pokerati clan.

In less than two hours from now I will go heads-up against professional player, Arizona Posse™ Member, Beyond The Table brother, and Pokerati contributor, \”Big Robert\” Goldfarb. While we have yet to agree on stakes, it is certain that nothing less than mortifying will do. No offense, Steve, but I\’m going to take this match much more seriously. (Side note – I have referenced at least twice so far to ensure proper spelling/usage of big words (masochist – thoroughfare), due to my Modelo Especial consumption).

A video of this David and Goliath match will be available in the coming days. I can\’t say too much about what we are doing, but I will certainly predict that it will change, or at least have a huge impact on, the way people rail poker online. Hahah. Hooohahahah… Muuuuhahahah… *cough/beerfart*

Robert\’s career tournament winnings: $412,446
Karridy\’s \”career\” tournament winnings: <$7,000 Suggestions for the loser?