POW: El Busto

There seems to be a rash of donkeys putting themselves in holes around the country.(Photo: AP)

NOT THACKERVILLE, Okla.–Crap. Did I say that already? You can\’t be a good poker player if you let going bust upset you too much … always sucks … but man, does it really suck to go bust after sunrise. Hurts even more when the winner of your final hand turns his cards up in disgust after seeing the turn and the river and says, dejectedly, \”you got it,\” when in fact you don\’t.

So my experiment has come to an end. Brought $1,000 to play with, and finished down $837. I\’d like to say I got average cards and played them below-average. But considering my results of late, I think I might have to admit that I was playing them full-on average for me.

To be good at poker you\’re supposed to see the action just in terms of chips, not dollars. But I sometimes wonder if that\’s 100 percent true. Because it is real money you\’re playing with, and perhaps keeping that in mind can help you make better decisions. Regardless, as part of my punishment for 15 hours of poker sloth, here\’s a list of what else I could\’ve done with $837 besides hanging out on an Oklahoma Indian Reservation with a bunch of mostly Asian guys not getting any sleep:

Numbers Game

  • An HD Tivo and Nintendo Wii (with plenty leftover for service and games)
  • Laser back-hair removal
  • 2 or 3 ounces of high-grade marijuana
  • 4 third-row seats (on the 27-yard-line) to the Bears-Cowboys game at the new Soldier Field
  • 5-night vacation in Maui
  • 1,637 shares of PartyGaming stock (PRTY.L)
  • 1 pair of Chanel multi-tweed printed lizard ankle-strap pumps

OK, for some reason that last one makes me feel better about everything. Guess I won\’t quit poker after all. Baby don\’t need no shoes.

UPDATE: I forgot I had three one-dollar chips in my pocket. So really, I only finished down $834. Movin\’ on up!