Via our friend, Short-Stacked Shamus:…
Have had a significant increase in email messages turning up in the ol inbox here lately. To what should I attribute my sudden surge in popularity? I think the answer is obvious. My occasional postings over here at Beyond the Table have no doubt spread my fame to places I had never even imagined possible.
I mean I am getting email messages from people I don’t even know, if you can believe that. Just this week I’ve gotten several offers to find ways to save on [my] meds, to eat want [I] want and still lose those terrible pounds, to cure premature ejaculation (not just stop it!), to give [my] partner the loving she deserves, to experience for [my]self the excitement of winning real money online, and to become completely happy with the way [my] breasts look.
Somewhere in there I also received a note from Karridy saying something about a new show, titled The Fall of Danang. No special offers, though. Which is fine, as I have plenty of those to deal with at the moment . . . .
Check out this week’s show. And ride the BTT hosts coattails along with me by emailing them at theshow(at)beyondthetable(dot)com and/or calling the listener line: (888) 820-8091.
There\’s even more wit where that came from, over at Hard-Boiled Poker. Thanks, Shama-lama-ding-dong.