Strange. Just listened to the latest episode of Beyond the Table, the first of the new year. If you haven’t queued up . . . Who Needs Enemies? yet, let me forewarn you. The guys talk about poker. That’s right. Poker. I mean like all the way through.
What the hell?
After a brief rundown of the several January tourneys presently ongoing, Tom offers some winning wisdom regarding tourney selection. Then, prompted by a question from Karridy, there follows a smart, insightful discussion about differences between cash game players and tourney players. Yeah, I know. Smart and insightful usually ain’t what us BTT fans are looking for. But there it is.
Next the trio turn their attention to Dan’s first poker session after moving to Vegas, as well as the rambling, gambling fortunes of Dan’s friend, Bob. The show concludes with a stunner of sorts regarding CardPlayer’s recent 12-page, comprehensive overview of Poker’s 2007 Odyssey: A Review of the Year’s Historic Events. (Hint: The article ain’t as comprehensive as one might have hoped.)
Oh, there were opportunities for the hosts to get away from the pokery content. Other topics arise, such as Dan’s sex life, Barack Obama, and froteurism. (Not at the same time. Ahem.) But somehow none of these offered enough turbulence to divert Beyond the Table from its poker-specific flightpath.
Do let the BTT hosts know how you feel about this strange new development by calling the listener line at (888) 820-8091 or emailing theshow(at)beyondthetable(dot)com.