Harold Lee may seem like a bit of a whack-job, but the retired Arizona judge is standing up for poker — beckoning authorities to take him to jail/court for running a legally questionable poker room. He\’s convinced a jury won\’t convict, and is ready to put to them the question of whether or not poker really is illegal in Arizona, the AZ Republic reports.
Now I know what you\’re thinking … wait, don\’t they have Indian casinos in AZ? And indeed they do … but he\’s got a problem with that, too, claiming it to be an illegal state-granted monopoly. Interesting way to look at it.
The commenters (and the raters of the commenters) overwhelmingly support the crazy-ole judge. And apparently the entire city of Tombstone is behind him and wants to follow suit. Despite what the state has to say … the city has looked through it\’s law books and can\’t find anything that says poker is illegal and they\’re good with that.