Annie Duke’s Pelvis: No Marathon for You!

Annie Duke has been getting healthy and training for a marathon since late in 2007, but something has dampened her hopes of running in the Rock \’n\’ Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 1. That thing is her pelvis, which she evidently fractured while running. The fractured pelvic bone has her benched until it heals.

Her latest blog post indicates how disappointed she was to receive the doc\’s prognosis:

Well, bleh! I am really upset. A little amazed that I kept going out and running three and four miles on a fractured pelvis. But upset that I have to cancel the marathon that I have been looking forward to in such a big way and upset that my body has apparently failed me. I suck 🙁

Not only was Annie looking forward to completing a marathon, but she was doing it to raise funds for Ante Up for Africa, the organization she runs with actor Don Cheadle. Even so, the duo have succeeded in raising well over a million for the refugees of Darfur thus far. With more than $700,000 raised at the charity tournament at the 2007 WSOP and over $500,000 at the recent San Manuel event, Annie and Don are raising awareness and much-needed funds for the cause. The 2008 Ante Up for Africa tournament is scheduled for July 2nd at the WSOP, and they are hoping to raise closer to – if not over – $1 million at the event.