Wait, Something Looks Different?

As you may be noticing, Pokerati has lost a little weight … and gotten a new haircut. The haircut part might take a couple weeks to grow into. The rest of it should be all good, though we may need to buy new pants.

Anyhow, stay tuned as we continue to roll out Pokerati 4.0, and feel free to use this post here to leave comments about anything that isn\’t working/looking right for you. Overall, you should find the site faster, easier to read, and generally more engaging. And if you do the right combination of clicks, Ronaldinho will get super-powers and be able to score from anywhere on the page.

UPDATE: BTW, if you\’d like a nifty little image to go with your comments, upload yours at gravatar.com. It\’s super-easy, takes about three clicks to make it happen in a way that you never worry about it again. TFG and I got in a little brouhaha over whether or not people will use this — I contend absolutely they will, while he insists that readers may not want to go to a foreign site to sign up … something about internet surfers being finicky with whom they provide their email addresses. Whatever — help me prove him wrong.