UPDATE: Never mind. Typo. Oops. But apparently these results ARE lies. Not accurate, I swear!
Maybe this is old news to most active online players … but I\’ve been playing on Full Tilt a healthy unhealthy amount of late, and have been running pretty good. So I decided to SharkScope myself to see if there was any change in my public stats. Change indeed … Did a search for \”dantana72\” on Full Tilt, and got the following results:
No data found for that username. Did you select the correct poker network?
Their question makes me laugh. Because in a way, that\’s what\’s apparently at issue … in the future, regardless of the legal frontier, people will be choosing their game, er, network based on whether or not they want their data publicly available, er, mine-able. My stats are available for RiverDan72 on PokerStars, btw. Clearly it is nothing but a bunch of lies … down a thousand my ass!