Front Page Poker

First, my apologies to any loyal Pokeratizens who may or may not be run out of business in a fully legal poker environ. You know I respect (most of) your game(s) … the Morning News called asking for my informed opinion, and I shared it with the reporter. It seemed like she was unbiased and getting our points — raids+robberies+I-35=bad — but you never know with real journos … there\’s always a few quotes that can be taken out of context and/or used against you if they have an agenda. But I decided to take the risk … and I think I\’m happy with the results.

Be sure to read the comments, too … 35 of them so far. They are overall very encouraging, particularly because much of the support seems to come from people who care more about proper Texas governance than they do poker. (It certainly doesn\’t appear that any representatives will lose any votes over supporting this issue.)