GoDaddy to Sponsor National Heads-Up Poker Championship will be the presenting sponsor for the National Heads-Up Poker Championship, according to the official press release with dates and other pertinent info. Big news, really. When a company like embraces the poker industry by sponsoring such an event, it lets other major corporations know that\’s it\’s okay. C\’mon in. There\’s money to be made from this kazillion dollar industry!

In truth, it\’s a brilliant move from to make itself a friend of the industry, as poker is filled with internet-savvy, blogging, html-minded people, some of whom (not naming names!) tend to buy domain names like they\’re rebuys in a tournament. And it doesn\’t hurt that the National Heads-Up Poker Championship ends up airing on NBC, which is some solid air time on a major network. Welcome to our little niche, GoDaddy.