The Poker Beat

For those who missed it live yesterday … this week\’s episode employs a slimmed down cast with just me and Gary Wise, which is kinda like the difference between The Beatles and Wings, but still … with BJ, Parvis, and Ringo off on other ventures, Gary, Huff, and I break down in nitty-gritty detail whether or not Vivek Rajkumar is just a flash in the pan, the $10k field sizes of Bay 101 vs. the Wynn Classic, Dream Team Poker, and Greg Raymer\’s ambassadorial efforts on behalf of the PPA. But really, I probably shouldn\’t be saying this, but you can skip all that and just listen to the last few minutes for Joe Stapleton\’s \”Tight Laydown\” … I\’m starting to believe more and more that the whole \”show\” we poker journos do really is just an elaborate set-up for the real show, which starts somewhere around the 58th minute.

(Plus \”the Insider\”, too!)