NFL Fans Irritated at Anti-Gaming Lobby

Fans of the National Football League probably didn\’t start off on the right foot anyway, since football is done for awhile and they\’re forced to see baseball games/references everywhere. But there is another source of annoyance for NFL\’ers, and that is the knowledge that the biggest opponent of online gaming in the United States is their very own football organization.

The NFL has promised to fight any effort by Rep. Barney Frank to push legislation that legalizes online gaming. With a lobbyist, an office in D.C., and a PAC donation committee in place, the NFL is ready to fight online gaming with the help of the Christian Coalition and Rep. Harry Reid of Nevada. Wait…What? Reid on the same side of this fight as Bob Goodlatte? Yessirreee.

Well, one NFL fan in particular sees the ridiculousness of it all. Dan Boone, of Bleacher Report:

The NFL, always a bright beacon of morals in a blighted land, has decided to self-righteously step into the public morals debate. The NFL does not want a bill allowing online gambling, that is a current bill legalizing poker, to pass.

The NFL behemoth is so against people playing online poker that they have hired a high priced Washington Lobbyist, opened a DC office, and set up a PAC Donation committee to help its noble cause.

So that\’s where ticket increase money goes. That\’s why the stadium beers are nine bucks and the exhibition games are full priced flops. Perhaps that explains the PSL\’s. The league needs just craves some spare change to pay some politicos for favors.