Instapoker: Legal Matters, Malaysian Ladies, and Phelps’ Vices

Been gathering a few gems over the past week…

Lawsuits are so easy and fun. Well, ask Clonie and she might deliver a different response, but that hasn\’t stopped the lawyers in other cases from filing some very poker-centric lawsuits.

Gambling Times Inc. has filed suit against Scott Lazar, executive producer of Deal, the almost-embarrassing poker movie that flopped (pun inevitable) in movie theaters in 2008. According to super reputable tabloid TMZ, Gambling Times Inc. was promised prominent product placement in the film, and for the lack of it is suing Lazar for $1 million, about ten times more than what the movie garnered in revenue.

High Stakes News is reporting that Betfair is suing the Dutch government because new laws there have restricted online gambling and the Minister of Justice ordered banks to block payments to sites like Betfair. While this suit may sound like a long shot, the European Union is already going after the Dutch government because of possible breaches of the EU Treaty regarding gambling monopolies.

In Malaysia, when arrested for illegal gambling, just ask for the \”senior discount.\” Twelve grandmothers arrested for playing Chinese poker in a private location faced fines and imprisonment for their crime of playing cards, that was until the legally unrepresented ladies asked for discounts in their sentences because of senior citizen status. It worked, according to the Malaysian news site The Star, and they paid their fines.

Finally, Michael Phelps never ceases to entertain. Looking to obtain true degenerate status (always strive to be the best!), the Olympic gold medalist has been cavorting with strippers of late. Not only that, but he didn\’t treat them well enough to keep quiet about the get-togethers. Evidently, he\’s a solid performer in bed but not so much of a romantic or a one-stripper man. Theresa White has gone to the tabloids and started spilling details that include a rather severe chewing tobacco habit and a serious infatuation with online poker.

Well, Michael, you\’re always welcome in the poker world. We may clobber you with interview requests if you show up at the WSOP this summer, but we won\’t tell your dark secrets. That\’s how the poker media rolls, homie.