So this Face the Ace lawsuit … yeah … you\’ve got a lone amateur TV-show concept-creator trying to take on (lawyers for) PokerPROductions and NBC with claims that they stole his legally protected idea to put out a ratings-bomb game show … and therefore owe him $85 million.
Similarities between Brandon McSmith\’s video pitch for All Star Poker Challenge and Face the Ace are one thing … and this video, shot outside what appears to be Poker PROductions studios in Las Vegas and posted on YouTube in July (and pointed out to us by a reader yesterday) is another.
Umm …
Click below to read the rejection letter sent almost two years earlier from Poker PROductions honcho Mori Eskandani that may or may not have put McSmith on tilt:
From: Mori Eskandani
Subject: RE: TV Poker Game Show Concept
To: \”\’Brandon\’\”
Date: Thursday, November 8, 2007, 4:46 AMBrandon:
Thank you for sharing this with me. It is interesting, but our company does not invest in shows, we only get contracted to produce them. BTW, there is a major flaw in the concept of the contestant losing everything by playing on. In another words, if he wins the first match, he should stop playing because on the second, third, fourth and fifth match he’ll be laying 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 and 5-1 respectively on an even money proposition.
Take care
From: Brandon
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 9:54 PM
To: mori eskandani
Subject: TV Poker Game Show ConceptAll Star Poker Challenge
Ordinary people get to test their No Limit, Texas Hold Em poker skills in a series of heads up matches against the world\’s top poker stars for a chance to win a coveted $10,000 seat at the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Tournament.
The Game: The contestants play 5 heads up No Limit, Texas Hold Em matches against the world\’s top poker stars. Every match is worth $2,000 in prize money. After winning a match the contestant will then have to decide whether to risk the money won to continue playing for the $10,000 WSOP seat, knowing if he or she loses a match they will lose all the prize money accumulated at that time. After winning the 5TH and final match, the contestant gets to keep all prize money won plus the $10,000 WSOP seat. Leaving total Game winnings of $20,000.
At the beginning of the game there are 5 doors, which the professional poker players will be behind, the contestant must pick a door to get his or her opponent never knowing who awaits them and keep doing so until he or she defeats them all.
Partial Poker Stars List:
Phil Ivy Mike Matusow
Doyle Brunson Scotty Nguyen
Jennifer Tilly Daniel NegreneanuCreated By: Brandon McSmith
Writers Guild of Amer-W# 1218203
P.S. This is a true game show for amatuer and wanna be poker players hoping to make it to the World Series Of Poker No Limit Texas, Hold Em Tournament. This will have mass audience appeal for young & old; men and women. As long as there is a WSOP tournament the show will have millions of viewers world wide. Ratings & revenues from United States & International markets could be tremendous. There is nothing like it in the TV poker world.
I have a deal for the show. I even had talks with Chris Runnells from Innovative Show Design & Larry Rogers from Show Partners to hire them for set design & possible production. Unfortunately my financial backing seems uncertain at this time. Now I\’m back pitching the show again. Hope you like the concept.
Brandon McSmith