Jack Effel’s Fan Etiquette Lessons + Crowd Screams

Pomp and circumstance is underway … and a betuxed TD Jack Effel began with a lesson on \”poker fan etiquette\”. Jack\’s rules:

  • Cheer and clap all you want
  • Do not, however, interfere with play in any way by screaming \”Go All In!\” or \”Don\’t do that!\”
  • Scream all you want
  • Please don\’t boo.
  • [Editor\’s Note: Booooo!]

  • No flash photography

With all that explained, Jack \”Link\’s\” Effel (who\’s clearly been studying the works of the Buffer Brothers and touring rock bands) tried to rally the crowd to see who had the biggest cheering section. In terms of volume, Joe Cada\’s rail-gang was clearly the loudest. \”Joey! Joey! Joey!\”

But in terms of style … Antoine Saout\’s Frenchy hooligans definitely have it. They are all wearing Everest Poker soccer jerseys, with \”Saout\” on the back, along with Everest Poker scarves … and they\’re showing us American sports fans don\’t know a thing about local support songs.

As the mostly American crowd briefly paused to listen to whatever soccery song they were singing … Cada\’s fans finally drowned them out with the creatively eloquent: \”USA! USA! USA!\”