Chris Ferguson (and His Father) Hosting Seminar at UCLA

Team Full Tilt SuperPro and poker TV-star Dr. Chris Ferguson is headed back to his alma mater next week, holding a panel discussion at UCLA to engage an enormous mass of youthful, energetic brainpower.

The event is called:

How to make an online poker site with avatars that smile

Betting on Chris \”Jesus\” Ferguson: Math, Computer Science and Poker

Fellow panelists will include a few other academic types, including the ever-wise father of Jesus, and Bill Chen.

Maybe coincidental maybe not, that Chris Ferguson is getting back in touch with a potentially loyal fan base during the very last week of May. Even with no intent other than to visit his old college to talk some hardcore math, the seminar should provide great footage of him not at a poker table nor wearing a Full Tilt patch, you know, just in case … as Rod Blagojevich can attest there are times in a man\’s career when he might wanna embark on a book tour even when you don\’t yet have a book to sell.

The free event is Monday, May 24, from 6 to 7:30 pm PT. If you can\’t make it to UCLA, you can watch it live on Ustream here, and engage in twitter-chat with the hashtag #uclagametheory.