Truly Free Poker Party

CardRunners presents …

The poker trainers at CardRunners have given me the week off, apparently. I figured they figured with my recent spurt of run-good in my own 1/2 NL/PLO game (up almost $200 in the past two weeks!) that I had finally learned everything I need to know about poker.

But alas, no, that\’s not the case … it\’s just that Brian Hastings, Taylor Caby, and the rest are taking the night off today for a party.

When: tonight, Tuesday, 8-11 pm
Where: El Segundo Sol (in the Fashion Show Mall)
Who: for CardRunners pros and people who\’ve signed up with
Why: Because poker players sometimes need to chill out and Dan likes to eat and drink for free!

So that\’s the plan. I\’ll be there. You should be, too. If you\’re already signed up for CardRunners via their free or paid poker training services, just show up. (You shoulda gotten something in your email.)